Cultural Resources Practitioners, LLC
We serve a wide range of clientele that includes local, state, and federal agencies, other CRM firms, and private developers and landowners.
Our founders have applicable experience that together spans nearly 30-years. We specialize in all aspects of cultural resources management including: archaeological and geoarchaeological fieldwork and report production; GIS map production, and; archival research and sensitivity assessments and evaluations.
We have completed hundreds of cultural resources management projects since our formation in 2016.
Our firm consists of professional cultural resources management practitioners that exceed the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards in Archaeology.
Cultural Resources Practitioners is a certified Small Business dedicated to the management of California’s diverse cultural resources. We employ experts in the profession who provide quality cultural resources management (CRM) services to a variety of clients including private developers, landowners, other CRM firms, and local, state and federal agencies.
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