Cultural Resources Practitioners, LLC
Cultural Resources Practitioners, LLC (CRP) was formed in 2016 by Robert Gleaton and Charles Mikulik, two graduates of Sonoma State University’s Cultural Resources Management (CRM) Master of Arts Program. Together, Robert and Charlies have nearly 30-years of experience performing all aspects of cultural resources management in regions of California, Washington and Arizona.
CRP has completed over 100 cultural resources projects since our formation in 2016. Our team has a well-deserved reputation of excellence in providing smart, sensible, and cost-effective products to our clients. We have the resources in place and are prepared to immediately begin working on projects of any size or complexity.
American Cultural Resources Association
General Services Administration
Society for American Archaeology
California Department of General Services
California Historical Resources Information System Consultants List
Register of Professional Archaeologists
Mr. Gleaton is CRP's Principal Geoarchaeologist and Archaeologist; he has over twenty-years of experience performing fieldwork, research, analysis, and writing about archaeology and anthropology. He is responsible for preparing cultural resources portions of environmental documents, field and desktop project reports, and resource eligibility recommendations, as well as organizing and performing Native American-outreach, and technical editing.
Robert is experienced in preparing environmental documents pursuant too applicable federal, state, and local regulations in California including the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Section 106 and Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA), and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Mr. Gleaton is a Registered Professional Archaeologist who meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards for Archaeology and has specialized knowledge in the prehistory, history and geomorphology of California.
Mr. Mikulik is CRP's Principal Researcher and has over ten-years of experience in performing all aspects of cultural resources management compliance projects in various regions of the United States, which includes over two years working as a Records Search Coordinator at the Northwest Information Center (NWIC) in Sonoma County, California. At the NWIC, Charles was responsible for assisting in the implementation and management of their digital database and was responsible for conducting hundreds of records searches for various clients such as local, state, and federal government agencies, and private CRM firms.
Charles has specialized knowledge in database and archival management, ethnography, oral history, community engagement, fieldwork, report production, and geographic information systems (GIS). Mr. Mikulik meets the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards for Archaeology and is currently on the Board of Directors for the Glen Ellen Historical Society.
M.A., Cultural Resources Management
B.A., Anthropology
A.S., Archaeological Technology
Society for California Archaeology
Click here or on the cover page image for a downloadable version of our Statement of Qualifications
M.A., Cultural Resources Management
B.A., Anthropology
Cultural Resources Practitioners is a certified Small Business dedicated to the management of California’s diverse cultural resources. We employ experts in the profession who provide quality cultural resources management (CRM) services to a variety of clients including private developers, landowners, other CRM firms, and local, state and federal agencies.
Copyright © Cultural Resources Practitioners, LLC All Rights Reserved