Cultural Resources Practitioners, LLC
Phase II usually involves testing of the cultural resources identified during Phase I to determine their horizontal and vertical boundaries, their cultural and scientific importance, and their potential eligibility to be listed on local, state, or federal registries. Test units and excavations are the primary method used to assess site significance. Shovel testing and/or test units may be augmented by controlled surface collecting, auger testing or probes, and large-scale block excavations.
Cotati Public Works Project - City of Cotati, Sonoma County
CRP conducted field investigations on a parcel managed by the Cotati Public Works Department for the proposed upgrading and expanding of an existing telecommunications facility. Our duties included conducting a records search at the NWIC, an intensive cultural resources pedestrian survey, development of detailed GIS field survey and photo maps and report summary in compliance with Section 106.
CRP offers all aspects of archaeological services for local, state, and federal projects. These different phases are commonly referred to as:
Construction monitoring is also offered; archaeologists widely use its application to identify, recover, protect and/or document archaeological information or materials.
Carbona Monopole Facility Project - San Joaquin County
CRP conducted a cultural resources investigation on an approximate 30-acre parcel located in San Joaquin County, CA. The proposed project involved the development of a monopole telecommunication facility in a 60 by 60-foot compound. The investigation included an I.C. Record search, a pedestrian survey on a portion of the parcel, and report production to satisfy requirements of Section 106 of the National Register of Historic Places and California Environmental Quality Act. To meet the aggressive timeline of the project, CRP completed the record search, survey, and report production within one-week to meet the client’s schedule.
Phase I Survey of a project area is used to identify the presence or absence of any cultural resources. This investigation often involves the surface evaluation of the project area for potential resources (aka., pedestrian survey), but can also involve subsurface investigations in the form of shovel or auger testing
Construction monitoring is also offered. Archaeologists widely use its application to identify, recover, protect and/or document archaeological information or materials.
Phase III Data Recovery investigations are designed to mitigate the impact of projects on archaeological resources determined to be eligible for inclusion on a local, state, or federal registry. This Phase usually involves large-scale controlled scientific excavation and data retrieval when a project cannot avoid direct impacts to an eligible, or potentially eligible, cultural resource(s).
Crystal Springs Project - St. Helena, Napa County
CRP was retained to assist in the archaeological evaluation of an approximate 50-acre property for the proposed development of residential buildings. CRP assisted in the evaluation, which included a surface-survey of the project area and identified and recorded a prehistoric-era obsidian quarry resource. The resource was evaluated using criteria outlined in the CEQA.
Cultural Resources Practitioners is a certified Small Business dedicated to the management of California’s diverse cultural resources. We employ experts in the profession who provide quality cultural resources management (CRM) services to a variety of clients including private developers, landowners, other CRM firms, and local, state and federal agencies.
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